Relative Filer Used with Parameter - when user uses absolute value is missing last date?

I’m using this setting since my request originally came through to look at last 12M data - and they can put in.

However, today I realized they were putting in absolute value instead of suggested last month for the report :


They used absolute value :

and they questioned why my data is incorrect - and when I investigated, it was because the last day was missing as a default but the question is.

  1. If I select relative date filter, I cannot make the end date included for absolute value no option I can select. Or am I wrong and can this be included?
  2. See the two dates one way or the other it’s confusing that two results are not the same and it’s confusing. It shows like they would be the same range so intuitionally it feels like they should be the same but they are not. If they are not going to be the same, why do we allow this absolute filter be in when I chose relative filter? How can I make this not appear so that it doesn’t confuse people?
    Thank you,

Hi @Liz

very interesting. I can rebuild your issue. Not sure if this is wanted or a bug.

I think you have two options:

  1. train your colleagues to extend the time range to the next day. Maybe add a short description to your dashboard.
  2. You can change your filter to the between filter option instead of the relative option. Then you have to parameters. One for the start date and one for the end date.

Best regards,

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Hi @Liz,
It’s been awhile since last heard from you, did you have any additional questions regarding your initial post?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic.

Thank you!

Thank you. For some dashboards I use start and end date parameter but not for all since that is also limited. (I need start date parameter to be an automated calculated value from end date but that cannot be done). It is really frustrating because for the most part if the date says the same you would assume the date range is the same but it is not which almost feels like a bug to me or flawed design

Hi @Liz,
I can mark this as a feature request to provide additional visibility to the AWS support team.

Thank you!

Hi @Brett Please do so - this is very confusing otherwise. Thank you!

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Hi @Liz,
No problem, I’ve marked this as a feature request so I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. You can keep an eye out for updates made in the ‘What’s New’ section of the community.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.

Thank you!