Resize a table (with swapped rows and columns) in published reporting


I wanted to build a Paginated report on Quicksight, and my views contained a table with swapped rows and columns. However, when I resize the column width and publish the report, the published report does not display the entire column that I had originally resized. Instead the column now visible, after publishing, truncates my column.

On the other hand when I resize a column width of a normal table (with the rows and columns not swapped) then I am able to published the resized table as per this guide: Row and column size in tables and pivot tables in QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight.

I believe that the resizing feature is not available for table with swapped rows and columns in quicksight yet. Is there an alternative solution to carry this out, if not, is there a plan to add this feature to quicksight?

Hi @sonthalt

there should not be any difference between resizing a table or resizing a swapped table in paginated reports. How do you swap the rows and columns? Where? Can you please add some screenshots with the original data with and without swapped table?

One possible workaround is to resize the swapped table in the analysis and then add the modified table to the paginated report as is.

Try and let us know.

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Hi @gillepa

The following is the format of the normal table in the paginated report analysis.

You can see the the varying column sizes in the table above. Consequently, when we generate the pdf for this report, we get the following pdf with the columns sizes matching the analysis.

On the other hand when we swap the rows and columns of this table with the column widths as per the following image:

The generated pdf does not reflect the same width of columns (referred to in the below image)

Also, to add to one of your proposed solutions, I had duplicated the visual from one of an existing analysis tab to the paginated report as well as creating the view again from scratch in the paginated report. Neither of the method has allowed me to resized the column width for the table with swapped rows and columns.

Please let me know if this helps in explaining the problem a bit more clearly.

Sorry, I had to break down the reply into four parts, as I was not being allowed to attach more than one image in the post.


Hi @sonthalt

if you have Enterprise Edition, can you please open a Support Ticket for this specific issue? There seems to be a bug that is better handled by the Support Team.

Thank you,

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Hi @gillepa

Can you please help me with the link to open a Support Ticket. I am an internal employee of Amazon, so if there is any internal ticketing portal that would be quicker, I can raise a ticket there as well.


Hi Tushar,

I have created an internal ticket, added you as a watcher, and assigned to the appropriate team for triaging this issue.

Thank you for raising this to our attention.


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