Restricted Item Selection in Control with Dynamic Currency Conversion


I have created a control to change dynamically the currency in some of the visual. This is the calculated field:

ifelse(in('USD', ${currencydyn}), {total_cost_usd},in('TRY', ${currencydyn}), {total_cost_try},{total_cost_usd})

The exchange work perfectly however I want to limit the selection possibilities, that is, I would like the user to not be able to select both currencies at the same time, is this possible? Second request would be to avoid having any of the check boxes totally empty.

Users should not have the possibility of leaving the check boxes the way below:


Only one currency should be selected at a time.

Thank you!

Hi @jgrueso
can you check the control options?
You should use dropdown or list, instead of multiselect.

This is what I have available:

Is this something related to how I have created the parameters?

Thank you!

can you share the parameter setting as well?

yes you need single value.