Hello - has anyone successfully figured out how to refresh Salesforce data using the out of the box connector? It seems like connecting to Salesforce overall is a huge issue for Quicksight.
I repeatedly encounter the same token error posted in several threads (below). I’ve ran some tests and from my experience it seems like Quicksight is OK refreshing 1-2 Salesforce data sources, but once a 3rd source is added the refresh token on the first gets expired and I can no longer connect to the first set. As mentioned in other threads - there is NO way to re-authenticate with Salesforce in the Quicksight UI.
We’ve adjusted our OAuth settings based on directions to relax IP restrictions & to allow a refresh token to be stored until revoked but nothing seems to work. AWS Support is essentially useless in helping solve the problem - they’ve told me to do the above steps or just start fresh with a data source each time (insane suggestion from a data company).
Has anyone had success here? Feel like I’m beating my head against a wall with something that nearly every other tool in the BI space has no issue with.
Articles with Salesforce Connector Issues: