I’m trying to prep data from a Salesforce and I get the following errors:

sourceErrorMessage: Contact_Account_Relationship__c.Phone__c

When looking at the data from Salesforce I don’t see duplicate column names, at least not what’s displayed or what I’m able to get exported as a CSV file, so maybe there is something behind the scenes that I don’t see.

I’m not able to make changes to the data in any way so I can’t move past this error. The only option I’ve found to work around this is to go into the Salesforce page manually and export the data as a CSV, but this makes the whole process more time consuming.

Hi @jp207 It will be a little tough for us to figure out what is going on without taking a look into the logs. For these types of errors I suggest filing a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account.

Sorry I dont have a quick solution for you on this one!