Sankey Diagram

I need to understand how users move across different verticals of our company through out their lifetime.

For that, I want to perform an analysis of users orders on business category level to understand how they move across the categories as they order but this is not possible using quicksight only as I’ve learned from AWS official website.

I would like to know in which format should I query data using SQL to create sankey diagram which may help me understand the business better.


@SameedAhmed , can you provide an example along with data to understand the problem statement, please refer Sankey visual doc for feature details

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Thanks for responding, I have successfully applied all the steps shown in the Sankey visual doc but I am having couple of issues.
1- What is measure in that documentary. Should I create new measure or just move customerid in value field as Count and does the sorting in asc or desc matter?
2- It is not showing multilevel sankey diagram. I am not quite whether it is possible or not? I think it is only showing customer moving from one purchase to another and not taking entire journey into the account.

My data is in the same format as shown in the doc.


@SameedAhmed measure is the metric that you want to use for co-relating the two dimensions. For example if you want to total sales to be the measure to analyze how Regional sales is related to customer segment (enterprise, strategic etc). In your example you can use count or any other measure that you want to understand in relation to dimensions in consideration. From the Sankey diagram pic you have posted, looks like you have only one level of the source and target relationship in your data. Here is an example of multiple level data sample and related Sankey diagram visual.
