Scheduling dashboard deliveries with certain filters applied

I have a dashboard to track weekly performance by sales region, and sales rep. This dashboard has many visuals, and I don’t want to change all of my visuals to use a table instead.

I need Quicksight to send me an email with the page filtered to each sales region, and then rep. How can I accomplish this? I tested setting up different schedules, but it didn’t save my on screen filters

Hello @MasonWilliams !

To clarify, you want to have pre-filtered sheets be emailed on schedules?

I’m not sure that this is specifically possible in the console but one thought I have to try accomplishing this would be use bookmarks and then try applying schedules.

My thinking here is that you can create the bookmarks for each region/rep and then apply a schedule to that bookmark view.

Let me know if this works or throws an error!

Hello @MasonWilliams !

Were you able to try my suggestion above, and if so did it have the desire outcome?

Sorry for the late reply Duncan! I will give this a try!

Hi @duncan This didn’t seem to work - the filters that are present in my bookmarked tab don’t remain in the pdf output

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Hey @MasonWilliams !

Thanks for circling back on this, and letting me know what happened. I will mark this as a feature request for the QuickSight team!