Self-join Sankey Diagram with Date Parameters

I have a simple dataset (loaded into SPICE) with three columns: date, clientId, and status. There’s a row for every date/client combination, indicating the client’s status on that date.

I would like to create a dashboard with two date parameters: start date and end date. The dashboard would then show a Sankey diagram showing the total number of clients in each status on the start date and the total number in each status on the end date, with the flows between.

How can I set this up? I understand I would need to do a self-join of the data, but I haven’t figured out how to do that in a parameterized way.

Hi @AndrewK
what is your understanding of “in a parameterized way”?
if you want to do a self-join you just need to add the dataset twice in a dataset and join on date and cliendId.