I would like to add a separator line between the graphics like the one I show in the following image. I have added it with a text box, the problem is that it appears as an arrow emoticon, would there be a way to remove it?
If not is there a way to import a line?
Thank you.
Hello @irispv13 !
Unfortunately, I do not believe that this is a feature of Quicksight. I think creating the text box as a line break between visuals is your best option. Have you taken any steps so far to get rid of the arrow, like deleting and re-adding the text box it to see if it happens again?
Following up on this: I know that it is not adding a line break between visuals, but something that could provide the same effect is creating a border for the visual that you want to separate or highlight in your analysis. You can learn more in the Changing the color of visual Borders section here: Customizing visuals in a free-form layout - Amazon QuickSight
I agree with @duncan . Free form feature enable put text box and move the visuals as per your choice.
Regards - Sanjeeb