Session time in GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser

To embed QuickSight dashboard on webpage, does session time effects? If effects ,how to solve it? How to add session time to run embeded dashboard on webpage all time?

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Hi @myatsan1 - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. When you generated the embedded URL, you can set the session time. Please see the documentation for the same.

Regards - Sanjeeb

Thanks for the answer.
In the document,the resulting user session is valid for 15 minutes (default) up to 10 hours (maximum).So the maximum is 10 minutes.After 10 minutes , the session is timeout and the embeded dashboard cannot be seen. How can I do to get unlimited session time to be able to allow users to see dashboard all the time without session timeout?

Hi @myatsan1 - Where you are setting up the time ? I believe when you are generating the embedded URL, you need to set up time and max you can set as 10 hours.

Regards - Sanjeeb

Thanks for the answer.
I am new to QuickSight and forgive me If I am wrong.
I want to embed real time graphical dashboard to webpage. So I want to generate the embedded URL but the max time is 10 hours.After 10 hours the session is time out and the dashboard cannot be displayed.Does it mean that I have to generate embed URL every 10 hours?Is there any way to generate embed URL session forever with one time?

Hi @myatsan1 - We ideally generate the embed URL at run time when the user is navigating the page and session expired. Unfortunately you can not keep the embed URL forever. You can explore the approach of using lambda function at application side to generate the embed url and it can be automated completely.

Regards - Sanjeeb