Set Conditional Rule to Check if No values are selected in Control

I am creating a dashboard that should not render certain visuals until a particular multi-value filter control has any or all values selected. Currently, I am using a Default Value to check against. if the parameter does not equal this value, then the visuals checking this rule with display.

This works great until all values are selected from this control, since the Default Value is designed to apparently replace the “All” designator.

Is there a way to check if a parameter “does not equal” eg., “none”, where “none” actually means none selected?

Hello @jtroxel, how exactly are you building out this control? I tested this on my end by using a filter for Regions that includes APJ, AMER, and EMEA. I created a multi-value string parameter that has a default value of None.

I added that parameter as a control to the sheet and created a custom filter for my visuals on the Region field based on that parameter value. It will default show No Data on load, then start showing data upon selection. I’ll include some screenshots below:

Parameter Creation

Edit Control

Visual Display on Load

I will mark this as the solution, but if you have any further questions regarding implementation, please let me know!

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@DylanM Thanks Dylan, what you have setup works fine, unless you select all regions from that dropdown, at which point the visuals with the conditional rule will become hidden again. i need users to be able to select any and all filter options without the visuals becoming hidden. I only want the visuals hidden when no filters are selected.

my setup is below and mirros yours from what i can tell.


Hello @jtroxel, I see, you are using rules to hide the visual, I thought you were hiding the data but still displaying the visual. Try switching Does not equal to Starts with, and change the Then option to Hide this visual. That should work how you are expecting!

@DylanM thanks Dylan, that doesn’t seem to work because “Select Reporting Period(s)” is checked automatically unless you uncheck it.

Hello @jtroxel, then maybe try Ends with instead of Starts with. One of the 2 should ensure it only will hide when just the default value is selected. Since the control is sorting it to show before a single date string, Ends with should work.

Thanks @DylanM but i am still seeing the same result. it seems like “Starts with” and “Ends with” refer only to individual values in a multiselect, rather than the entire list of selections, no?

Hello @jtroxel, Maybe you could maybe try the opposite approach, where you see if it startsWith 10, and if so show the visual, otherwise hide it. Maybe you would have more success that way.

In testing on my account, using startsWith worked for managing this, so I am not sure why that isn’t happening on your end. Are you using the value as your default, and then also including it in your control options? If so, I would exclude it if you are manually entering the options and leave it only as the default.

@DylanM I am using “Select Reporting Period(s)” as my static default in the parameter (see screenshot above) and have “Hide select all option” checked in the control options. I will say that this is one detail that does not seem to be working, since Select All appears in the control whether or not i have “Hide select all” checked, or any default values entered.

The value may not always start with 10 either, so that is not the best way to check in general. I have been playing with the reserved value as well but am not certain exactly what its intended use case is and it hasn’t had any effect on the results yet either.

hi @jtroxel

I understand what you are trying to do with filter/parameter/rules might be tricky or not possible. I tried doing what you’re doing with no success.

Trying to understand the use case. Is the goal to not run the queries until the user selects a date range? If not what is the user story behind having the hidden charts…


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Hello @jtroxel, I wanted to check in since we have not heard back. Can you respond to the questions that @Ramon_Lopez asked above? If there is a possible solution for this, it is definitely tricky but we might be able to work something out. If we do not receive a response after the holiday weekend, we will archive this topic. Thank you!

Thanks @Ramon_Lopez @DylanM The basic user story is that a user visits the dashboard to view a standard set of measures for a given organization and timeframe. The organization users would like to see data for will be different for different types of users, but they will need access to any and all organization data at any given time, which precludes the use of something like RLS to handle this, and simply presenting the measures across all organizations/years as the default until users specify any of this individually, for example, is not desirable or particularly helpful for users in any real world scenarios of ours. Therefore, we are exploring ways to present users with a simple “home” tab that prompts users how to begin viewing these measures by stepping them though selecting the various filters. this is done by having each of these filters render after a value has been chosen in the previous one using conditional rules, until users get to the last of 3 inputs, which is the reporting period currently. once users “Select Reporting Period(s)”, only then will they be presented with a series of visualizations that appear directly below these inputs.

This is all an attempt to address the evergreen question, “what do you want to see/do first” as well as reduce the amount of cognitive load users take on when first visiting a dashboard.

The conditional rule feature works well for this when i check to make sure our default “ghost text” (“Select Reporting Period(s)”) is not present ie., a user has selected a timeframe, but the solution goes awry when users want to select all reporting periods from the mutliselect, since QuickSight has built the default value as a stand-in for the “Select All” option. I’m not sure in what scenario anyone would care to change “select all” to something else that also means “select all”, but if there is a way to incorporate user-prompt style ghost text (eg., “choose a date”) that only appears when nothing is selected (as opposed to “nothing” and “everything” in the default value’s case), then that would be helpful in our use case.

Does that make sense?

Hello @jtroxel, the one thing that I am not following on, is the Select Reporting Period(s) default option replacing your Select All option. That is not how it is functioning when I test this on my end. Select the 3 dots next to the control and click edit. Make sure you do not have the checkbox selected for Hide select all option from the control values. Then, I believe the solution I suggested above should work for this use case.

Here is the box that should be unchecked:

Now, if you continue to experience an issue after this or if this is already unchecked, I think the best course of action would be to file a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. I hope this helps!

Let me know if you have to reach out to support and I can archive this topic. Then, if you need help after discussing it with them, please create a new topic in the community and link back to this one to provide relevant information. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!

Hello @jtroxel, since we have not received a follow-up response, I will go ahead and mark the above reply as a solution. If you continue to experience problems after trying the fix I suggested and reaching out to AWS Support, please post a new topic in the community. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!

Thanks @DylanM , this is exactly how i have things set. i have included screen shots of all the relevant settings below. As you can see all values in the multiselect are checked and the visuals are still hidden in spite of the way i have specified the rule only hide the visual when the “Select Reporting Period(s)” default value is present.

rule settings

Unless you see anything wrong with this, i will go ahead and open a support case.

Hello @jtroxel, now that you have the Select all option showing, have you tried implementing my suggestion using Starts With or Ends With as the conditional to hide the visual? If not, I think it would be worth trying, otherwise creating a Support Ticket is the way to go.

Hello @jtroxel, I will go ahead and archive this question. If you have further questions after reaching out to the Support Team, please post a new topic in the community. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!