Setting up Alerts for a particular state, county and/or zip code

Does a QuickSight Dashboard have a built-in functionality that enables a user to set alerts based on a certain threshold. For example, a dashboard contains a map visual that contains fields for state, county and zip code (in a drill down fashion), colored by the sum of sales. I want the user to have the ability to create a custom alert that would inform if the sum of sales increases by X for a particular state, county and/or zip code. Is this possible? I know that if a KPI is included in a dashboard the user has the ability to create an alert, but it would be impossible to include a KPI for every single state, county and/or Zip code in the US.

Hi @huda.h.yazgi - QuickSight supports creating threshold alerts on tables and pivot tables on top of KPIs and Guage Charts. This post walks through the process of setting up alerts on tables and pivot tables. So, in your example, if you represent your data using pivot table/table, you can setup alerts.

@awsvig , Thank you for your reply. Is there a way the external user can set up an alert, instead of the developer of the dashboard? I would like the alerts to be dynamic based on user.

@awsvig I also have a table in my dashboard, but the alerts option does not appear. My table has a Group by column and a few other value columns that I have conditionally formatted. However, when I publish the dashboard, I do not see a “set up Alerts” option for my table.

Hi @huda.h.yazgi - Yes, this feature is available to readers. I tested that by accessing the dashboard as a reader and I get the alerts option on the widget. Are you running Quicksight Enterprise edition? Threshold alerts are a QuickSight Enterprise Edition feature and available for dashboards consumed on the QuickSight website.

@awsvig , Yes I can see the alerts option for a KPI I have in my dashboard. I have the enterprise addition.
I also have a table in my dashboard, but the alerts option does not appear. My table has a Group by column and a few other value columns that I have conditionally formatted. However, when I publish the dashboard, I do not see a “set up Alerts” option for my table

@huda.h.yazgi - Yes that’s correct. For table visuals, threshold alerts can’t be created for values that are located in the Group by field. Alerts can only be created for values that are located in the Value field. Please see the note in the doc.

@awsvig , OK, I see the problem. My value columns have a custom aggregation and that is why I am not seeing the alerts option for individual cells in my table.

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@awsvig I have set up the alerts in quicksight, however I don’t have the option to set up alerts in my embedded dashboard. Is there a way to set up alerts in an embedded dashboard?

Hi @huda.h.yazgi - Threshold alerts aren’t yet available in embedded QuickSight dashboards or on the mobile app. Please refer background information on this post.

@awsvig do you know if this is on quicksights roadmap?

Hi @huda.h.yazgi - I have raised this as a feature request. Thanks for sharing this need.

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