Sharing dataset parameters

Is there any way to share dataset parameters across datasets?

We currently have multiple datasets that use customSql and direct query(Athena) as we are doing aggregation and groupBy.
All these datasets use one common data source table but joined and aggregated with different tables and we need same dataset parameters shared.
I do not want to create duplicate parameters per dataset as they are same and would want to share the parameters.
Is there any way this can be achieved?

Data source: DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4
Dataset1: DS1 join DS2 group by field1
Dataset2: DS1 join DS3 group by field2
Dataset3: DS1 join DS4 group by field3

For all the above datasets, the common DS1 has a set of parameters which I am unable to share or create as a common dataset due to the limitation of customSql vs QS join

Hello @vairang !

Is this what you are looking for?:

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A dataset parameter is a parameter created at the dataset level. How can I share a dataset parameter across multiple datasets?

Hi @vairang ,

Dataset parameter will let you pass in values to the dataset from analysis/dashboard. Multiple dataset parameters can be mapped to the same analysis parameter to let you pass the same value into parameters in multiple dataset (Working with dataset parameters in QuickSight analyses - Amazon QuickSight).

You will have to define the parameters in each of the datasets though. If you have a large number of parameters and don’t want to define them manually across datasets, my suggestion is to create them in one dataset and then clone the dataset programmatically (using describe-data-set and create-data-set commands) and then make necessary changes in each.

Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA