Sharing report with 1000s of non-QuickSight users via email using schedule report feature:
If a customer wants to use schedule report feature from QuickSight to send reports to 1000s of non-QuickSight users (no access to QuickSight console), what will be the efficient way to achieve this?
If all users are outside quicksight expect the same report , you could schedule it to yourself and send it them privately via your email ( like rules forwarding to distribution list).
Since users are non quicksight users, quicksight would not know their email address for any sort for report delivery.
its non-quicksight users but you have their emails id ? are they your internal users within organisation or public ? - Yes, they are non-quicksight users.
Yes, we can get their email addresses. If we have their email adddress, we can add them to quicksight as users and send the report?
do they all expect the same report ? Yes.
do you have paginated reporting enabled in your account ? - No.
I believe if they have paginated reports, they can use the process mentioned in the below blog. Correct?
Yes, we can get their email addresses. If we have their email adddress, we can add them to quicksight as users and send the report?
→ these users will become registered quicksight users and will be consider as Reader, which will incur cost ( Pricing at $0.30/session with $5max/user/month)
do they all expect the same report ? Yes.
→ why you want to create the users then ? it will incur cost as mentioned above ( based on session)
I would rather schedule it to myself and privately send/forward it mass DL list ( cheapest) at no additional cost.
do you have paginated reporting enabled in your account ? - No. I believe if they have paginated reports, they can use the process mentioned in the below blog. Correct ?
→ Correct. However, paginated report is an add-on feature and it will incur cost $500/month. Its not enabled by default and you have to subscribe it.
Hope this helps and clears your doubt.
Commenting to follow this post because this is a real need for out org too. We’re in the process of deprecating our Intranet where thousands of employees receive weekly emails reports via a table email. I understand the previous comments about them needing to be readers, but we’re conscious about incurring extra costs in QuickSight and it isn’t really a good option for us. Really keen to see if anyone else has a better solution here.