"show relevant values only" with parameters as control issue

Hi All!

I use parameters as controls and filters. Those parameters have default value “All” and controls option “Drop down - multiselect”, values – linked to dataset. For example, I added controls Country and Region. Region has “Show relevant values only” with Country. When I add this “Show relevant values only” to region it has changed from Drop Down to Search. When I choose one country – region became as drop down with correct list of regions. When I select all in country drop down – region still showing as drop down, not search. So, by default region control showing as search, but when I select something and deselect in country drop down – region will be drop down.

If I don’t use parameters – everything works correctly.

Is there an option to show region as drop down by default, without clicking on another control? Does anyone has same issue?


this may help you

Naveed Ali

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The dropdown list changes to a search box when it contains more than 1000 values. I’m guessing you have more than 1000 regions in your dataset. That’s why when you select all countries, it changes to a search box. When you select one country and use the “Show relevant values only” option, it changes to a dropdown because now the list is shorter than 1000.

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@Naveed Thanks! I watched this video, guy creating 2 filters for 17 minutes, nothing about my issue, but thanks for respond!

@David_Wong Not quite so. When i selecting all countries, after selecting one - it shows me drop down with all regions, not search box. The problem when you open dashboard first time - it shows search, because of parameter. When i do same controls, but without parameters - everything works as expected.

hi @iskorokhid ,

Could you paste a few screenshots for this issue ?


Hi @iskorokhid

We have not heard back from you regarding your question. We would still like to help. If we do not hear back in the next 3 days, we will archive the question

Hi! Thanks for trying to help! Here my steps:

  1. Creating test data:


  1. creating two parameters:

  1. Creating controls from parameter:

  1. Set “Show Relevant Values Only” on ParameterCityFilter and ParameterRagionFilter, so City should affect Region and Region – City.


  1. Publish as dashboard and open dropbox:


  1. When im doing same without parameters, just fields – everything work perfect:

In my reports we using only parameters in control for two reasons:

  1. sync controls between tabs
  2. getting/putting values from FrontEnd portal, where reports are embedded.

If i making some combinations of filters - sometimes it works, sometimes - no. I hope it is bug and can be fixed.

We need that Show Relevant Values Only in our reports.

Here more interesting cases:
Case 1
Setting default parameter to ParameterRegion = reg_01 and publish dashboard. For some reason it looks like this
When I deselect this reg_01 it disappears and I can’t find it, City is empty too:

Case 2.
Same report with default parameter, but now I will deselect 1 city:
Then I deselect region and it does not disappear:
So, I selected region one more time:
After that lets see what inside City drop box – surprise!

Lets select all in City drop box and check what inside Region:
What if now we deselect one region?
In City drop box we can see correct list of cities:

Hi @iskorokhid
Can you please open a support ticket with AWS?
This seems to be a bug if the control type changes from Drop-down to Search when another control is modified.