I use parameters as controls and filters. Those parameters have default value “All” and controls option “Drop down - multiselect”, values – linked to dataset. For example, I added controls Country and Region. Region has “Show relevant values only” with Country. When I add this “Show relevant values only” to region it has changed from Drop Down to Search. When I choose one country – region became as drop down with correct list of regions. When I select all in country drop down – region still showing as drop down, not search. So, by default region control showing as search, but when I select something and deselect in country drop down – region will be drop down.
If I don’t use parameters – everything works correctly.
Is there an option to show region as drop down by default, without clicking on another control? Does anyone has same issue?
The dropdown list changes to a search box when it contains more than 1000 values. I’m guessing you have more than 1000 regions in your dataset. That’s why when you select all countries, it changes to a search box. When you select one country and use the “Show relevant values only” option, it changes to a dropdown because now the list is shorter than 1000.
@David_Wong Not quite so. When i selecting all countries, after selecting one - it shows me drop down with all regions, not search box. The problem when you open dashboard first time - it shows search, because of parameter. When i do same controls, but without parameters - everything works as expected.
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Hi @iskorokhid
Can you please open a support ticket with AWS?
This seems to be a bug if the control type changes from Drop-down to Search when another control is modified.