i’m trying to utilize similarity
function in my custom Postgre SQL dataset but apparently it’s not supported. Are there any similar QS solutions to this?
Thanks in advance for any hints.
i’m trying to utilize similarity
function in my custom Postgre SQL dataset but apparently it’s not supported. Are there any similar QS solutions to this?
Thanks in advance for any hints.
Hi @Rad
did you tried a different function like
Hi @ErikG thank but i’ve got the same error:
Hi @Rad - Can you please provide exact SQL you are trying to run and observe this error and also share the postrgres db version as well.
Regards - Sanjeeb
@Sanjeeb2022 query below, let me confirm db version and will get back to you.
select (similarity(n1.name, n2.name)) as sim, n1.name, n2.name
from names n1, names n2
where n1.name != n2.name and similarity(n1.name, n2.name) > .8
order by sim desc;
Hi @Rad
Stupid question, Can you run this query on your postgres (outside of QS)?
@neelay unfortunately i don’t have direct access to the db
@Rad to my knowledge, in the case of custom SQL; QS mostly plays a proxy nothing more or less.
can you run this query through QS and share the output?
SELECT version();
@neelay here’s my version:
@Rad ok, your Postgres server can support this feature.
the similarity()
is not out of the box function from Postgres.
checkout these links for the ref.