Single page html app SSO thru okta with embedded QS dashboards

I am seeking help with a simple use case. We don’t have developer skills except dashboard developer. We have few dashboards. Requirement is to create a menu for easier dashboard usage. Second requirement is to have this menu app be authenticated with Okta to provide access to dashboards. Federation has been created between my single page menu app with QS.
We are having multiple issues with access. iFrame has URL like so "<a href=“” target=“iframe_a”

IDM refuses to connect - CSP related issues - Okta prevents it.
Even if it were to go through Okta - there is too much screen popup and such for every menu selection. I am sure there is a bette way of doing this.

Any code sample would be great help to achieve this simple use case.



@sja ,

Not specific to Okta, but have a look at the embedding workshop itself : Workshop Studio
This should give you a good understanding of the API calls.

Kind regards,