I am in a situation in which I need to overlay multiple one-row pivot tables (no field in the “Rows” well, only in “Columns” and “Values” wells) on top of each other. The way I am doing this is that the header row of the second visual goes underneath the value row of the first visual and the header row of the third visual goes underneath the value row of the second visual. This way, I am creating a custom pivot table that has one header row (coming from the first visual) and three value rows. However, as the data inside the visual grows (I have a Date field for columns), the space that is required to visualize these new columns naturally increases and the internal dimensions of this space outgrow the dimensions of the actual visuals and “Scrolls” appear on each of the visuals. However, the fact that I have three overlaid visuals means that I now have three individual scrolls on each visual. This completely would break the alignment of these visuals (if not used properly by the user) and it also makes it really hard for the user to keep the alignment by working with all three scrolls individually.
Now I have the following questions:
Is there a way to link overlaid visuals to each other and form some sort of a compound visual which would aggregate such individual functionalities and provide a single common scroll for example ?!
Is there a way to limit the internal dimensions of the visualization space (e.g, how much these columns can grow) to ensure that such scenarios don’t happen? for example by automatically squeezing the columns like the tabs in Google chrome?
Thank you.