Snapshot API - EXCEL - Error

For EXCEL with some 3 PivotTable Visual Id’s passed Job status returns COMPLETED with Error Type INTERNAL_ERROR. How can i troubleshoot / resolve ?

Included the job status response with some info masked
“Arn”: “arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1::dashboard//snapshot-job/",
“CreatedTime”: “2024-03-18T22:58:30.754Z”,
“ErrorInfo”: {
“ErrorMessage”: null,
“JobStatus”: {
“Value”: “COMPLETED”
“LastUpdatedTime”: “2024-03-18T23:00:22.571Z”,
“RequestId”: "
“Result”: {
“AnonymousUsers”: []
“Status”: 200,
“ResponseMetadata”: {
“RequestId”: "
“Metadata”: {},
“ChecksumAlgorithm”: 0,
“ChecksumValidationStatus”: 0
“ContentLength”: 403,
“HttpStatusCode”: 200

Here is the masked snapshot request

“AwsAccountId”: “",
“DashboardId”: “*",
“SnapshotConfiguration”: {
“DestinationConfiguration”: {
“S3Destinations”: [
“BucketConfiguration”: {
“BucketName”: "
“BucketPrefix”: "report/
“BucketRegion”: “us-east-1”
“FileGroups”: [
“Files”: [
“FormatType”: {
“Value”: “EXCEL”
“SheetSelections”: [
“SelectionScope”: {
“SheetId”: “c9058b08-30b8-4107-9230-9026b92f2590”,
“VisualIds”: [
“Parameters”: {
“DateTimeParameters”: [
“Name”: “pSpendDate”,
“Values”: [
“DecimalParameters”: ,
“IntegerParameters”: ,
“SnapshotJobId”: “******”,
“UserConfiguration”: {
“AnonymousUsers”: [

What is the recourse or process for resolution when an AWS Quicksight API returns INTERNAL_ERROR like in this case ?

Bit more information should this be of help to someone.

I assumed INTERNAL_ERROR did not generate the Excel output. It appears excel report did get generated in S3 target. But snapshot job status that would have a handle to that S3 object is missing with the INTERNAL_ERROR. So the issue seems to be job status response does not carry the handle to the generated Excel output and not Excel was not generated.

Just in case the issue was with leap year date, I also tried 2024-03-19T00:00:00 and 2024-03-19T00:00:00Z for the DateTime parameter value and get the same result (INTERNAL_ERROR). PDF export works, but not EXCEL. Even EXCEL works but snapshot job result comes with status completed but does not have the S3Uri to where the EXCEL was written.

I can use help from QuickSight team to look into this. Or should I log this as a AWS support case on the account ?

@metrics ,

For INTERNAL_ERROR please open up a support case to debug this further. Here are the steps to open a support case so that we can help you further: Creating support cases and case management - AWS Support . If your company has an internal IT team, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team. They’ll open an AWS Support case on your behalf.