Some users in the same group cannot see any data

We have a really strange case, and we are really blocked by this, and AWS support seems to be unable to help yet.

  1. We have a group
  2. About a dozen or so users in that group
  3. We have a group-based RLS
  4. Three out of the dozen users cannot see the data, and get an error on the visual “there is no data to compute this graphic”.

This makes no sense at all, since all of the users are in the same group.

This has been verified by running CLI to check all of the users:

$> aws quicksight list-user-groups \
   --aws-account-id="123" \
   --namespace="default" \
   --user-name="" \
      | jq ".GroupList[0].GroupName"


All of the 3 users do belong to the group, and only one group.

Other users from the same group can see the data & the visuals.

And today, we have hit another problem of the same type. Now, a different set of 3 users, from the same group, cannot see the data on a different dashboard.

This makes zero sense at all, yet this is happening. :person_shrugging:

@m0ltar, agree with you, it doesn’t makes sense that users from the same user group experience different permission behaviors on a given asset. My suggestion will be 1/ to continue working with the support team, they have tools that can help them uncover the uniqueness nature of the issue 2/ can you also check if in addition to group level permissions there are user level permissions defined that may be in conflict with group level permission or if users are part of multiple groups and group level permissions are in conflict.

Please update here with all your findings.

Thank you

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