Sort view of schemas


Even if I restrict access for some schemas in Redshift for different users, the Quicksight users still be able to see all the schemas, not only under a particular schema in my Redshift.

In another Q&A I can see that another people have the same problem. Ok, I can accept that (but reinforcing it’s confusing for users to determine which schema to use) even if I restrict access to users in Redshift they can see the schemas in QuickSight by the way but how to sort view the schemas?

Because it doesn’t follow any order, be it alphabetical, for example.


I’ll mark this as a feature request.

There is the ability to search for your Schema in the Schema explorer.

Thanks for the feedback but I reinforce that we are complete confusing with this.

First, display all the schemas to users even if they doesn’t have access by users in Redshift. Second, as a palliative we can’t order schemas (since we have a bug and even with restrictions on users to schemas in Redshift, users can view them with QuickSight).