Sorting Ability similar to excel pivot tables

Hi, I need to add sorting by value and collapse all functionality similar to excel pivot tables. Is there a way to do that in dashboard


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Hello @Aditya_Surve,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community, it is great having you here!

About the Sort by Value, can you be more specific on what feature are you missing? You can now sort by value or by the pivot.

I am not an Excel exper but the only think that I see different here is that QuickSight Pivot Tables do not have the options to order Left to Right. Is this what you are missing?

Kind regards,

Hi @Aditya_Surve ,

welcome to the community :tada:

When you use the pivot table viz in quicksight you can expand or colapse single items or all.

Left-click on Rows to expand or collapse all.


Best regards,

This is an example of sort by value of any column in excel:

This is an example of collapse functionality in excel pivots:

Hi @Aditya_Surve, I’m out of ideas. Sorry, currently this is not possible but I’m marking this for feature request. At AWS, their roadmap is primarily driven by customers. Your feedback helps them build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request. More features are being added on a regular basis, so please keep an eye on the What’s New / Blog . You can set up a Watching Alert by clicking on the bell icon.

You could look to opening up a case with AWS and see if they can provide a solution.

Here are the steps to open a support case . If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. Hope this helps!