SPICE DataSet created from a left join is not ingesting any row

Hi there,
I have one dataset that is composed by two datasets using a left join - all three of them are SPICE.
The main one contains 7k rows but the joined result is not ingesting any row while refreshing.
I also have checked and ids used for joining exist in the second dataset (anyway, as we are doing a left join I expect to have at least the same number of results even those ids didn’t exist).
To add more context, these datasets are created programatically via the QS api.

Any ideas what could be happening here?
Thanks in advance for your response.

Hi @Diego_Contreras_Jime

Are you creating all the three datasets using QS API one after the other ? … if yes you might need to wait for the main datasets to get refreshed completely before creating the third dataset/dependant dataset. Please use list & describe ingestion API to find the status of dataset refresh .




what is the data source of it? to trouble shoot this, can try to check the log in the datasource and see the actual query running in there