Stacked Bar with multiple values to compare

I have two stacked bar charts, but I would like to keep them as one graph:

From what I understand, it’s not possible.

Is there a way for me to create a separate dataset (subdataset?), that has a new column (row values “left” and “right”), and then other columns that are calculated from the first dataset. There would be two sets of identical rows, with the only difference in “left” and “right”.

Hi @Al22,
To my understanding, you are correct that this is a current limitation within QuickSight. There’s no ideal way to use 2 different fields in your y-axis to compare against each other.

At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers, your feedback helps us build a
better service. I’ll go ahead and tag this as a feature request to provide visibility to our support team.

Thank you!


Thank you @Brett , that would be very useful!

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Is there any news regarding this feature ?