Static Table for Visualization

Hi Community,

I have a dataset which has two columns Booked Channel & Reported Channel, Pax Count for my analysis. I want to create a pivot table visualization as follows.

Channel | Booked | Booked % | Reported | Reported %

The booked Channel and Reported Channel could be different in the same row. I want to generalize the Channel for grouping purpose. I would like to define Channel as a static list using a calculated field and then count the Pax counts as Booked and Reported based on their values in the dataset.

I am sure there are situations you have dealt with this like this. I would appreciate your feedback


Hi Giridhar @Giridhar.Prabhu ,

You said you have two columns in the first sentence and later on said that booked channel and reported channel can be different in the same row. So, I’m a bit confused here.

Please create a sample in Arena to allow other community members to take a shot at helping you.

Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA

Hi Arun,

Sample data would be something like this

What I want as output is something like this


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Hi @Giridhar.Prabhu,
Transforming the Booked Channel field into a new field that only shows individual channels isn’t exactly possible but a work-around you could use is to setup a denseRank calculation, partitioned by channel, and filter down to 1 row per channel type (just rank 1s).

Then you could use LAC-W calculations, like sumOver, to retrieve your values for the Booked and Reported fields. Once again partitioning those fields by the booked channel field to ensure they are grouped appropriately.

Hi @Giridhar.Prabhu,
Following up here to see if you had any additional questions regarding your original post?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Brett

I think @DylanM video mentioned in the following link is probably the way to go