Sync the color of legend of Line Chart and Bar Chart

Is there way to make the color of legend in sync between Line Chart and bar Chart? Without hard-coding, please.


Hi @lbl
is the Year a date or string/number field?

hi @ErikG
Year is number field

Would it be an option to use the “field colors”?

Hello @lbl, I hope this message finds you well.

There is an alternative that I love to use, which is as follows: If you click on the legend, it will open a window with these options:

Click on “EDIT FIELD COLOR.” After that, you can edit the color of that point on the legend across the entire dashboard.

Please let me know if it works.

“Edit field Colors” is static by indicating color to known values. In my case, values of year are dynamic. Hence, I am unable to use “Edit field Colors”.

Would like to check if any solution or workaround, please. Thank you.

Would also be a useful thing to know - we similarly can’t hard lock the colours using “Edit field color” as that won’t work across all our different dashboard users (some will have different ranges), plus it requires maintenance each year. But having different colours for the same year across charts is confusing to users!

would you be able to raise this to QuickSight team for a solution or workaround?
apology if it is inappropriate to request this way.
