Syntax Errors in Calculated Fields

Keep running into syntax errors trying to create a calculated field. I’m trying to pull one value at the project intersect. I’m using this is the calculated expression:


What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Edward_Appiah – I tried setting the calculated field for max with a sample data set. It worked as expected. Please see screenshot below. Please check the data type of “amount” data column. For Max function to work, “amount” should be a measure.

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Thank you awsvig, I amusing a measure but now I get another error syntax error

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Hi @Edward_Appiah,

The issue is with your capex amount field. If QuickSight recognizes it as a field in your dataset/analysis, it should display it in that orange color. Can you check the spelling of the field name?

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Thank you David. When capex amount is orange. I get an error that says I have too many arguments.


You need square brackets around project code.

 max({capex amount}, [project_code])
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@David_Wong received the same error


What is the specific error message this time? Does it still say too many arguments? The syntax looks correct to me, so it must be some other error.

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@David_Wong The error says “Function MAX should have one 1 argument (s) instead of 2 arguments.”


I think it’s because you’re using this syntax in a dataset. It only works at the analysis level. When used in your analysis, it calculates the sum of capex amount grouped by project_code. Can you created the calculated field in your analysis instead?

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Hi @Edward_Appiah

It’s been a while since we last heard from you. If you have any further questions, please let us know how we can assist you.

If we don’t hear back within the next 3 business days, we’ll proceed with close/archive this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Edward_Appiah

Since we have not heard back from you, I’ll go ahead and close/archive this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic in the community and link this discussion for relevant information.

Thank you!