Text box with Date paratmeter - update needed

Hi team,

I have a use case where I need to populate a date in a text box based on a date parameter field. I’m using it in the heading of a report / dashboard. Something like the below:

“Reporting for period starting - [Date]” or “Reporting for period starting - Wed, 22nd 2023”

I see this may have been released for Paginated reports, but not for report/dashboard. Has there been any update to the release of this functionality?


hi @QSCommUser ,

I am able to pass the date parameter into a text box , did you test it at your end ?


@Koushik_Muthanna - thanks for this.

I was trying to create the parameter field, but once created it was not propagating to my filters correctly, hence I thought this was not working.

I have created one now, but it is not working as expected. I believe this is down to user error though.

@Koushik_Muthanna - actually, what I need a little help with is a few different use cases which I need to use in the dashboard / report.

Overall scenario - I have a dashboard which is effectively cut into two different sections. The top section shows sales for a particular week (filtered by an individual salesperson) driven by a date range which is typically the previous week, as it is a weekly report.

The second section of the report shows or intended to show the weekly rank changes for sales people over the last month or 4 weeks. This section of the report needs to be link to the reporting week mentioned above.

So for reporting week 12/02/23 to 18/02/23 - the rank changes in the bottom section needs to show / display data for a salespersons rank over the last 4 weeks - like the below:


The issue I’m having is the filter context between the two tables. I have tried changing “Apply To - Some Visuals / Only this Visual”.

I understand I may need to use parameters to achieve this, but unsure how I can link the two reporitng periods so they are in sync with each other (or have context to each other).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Koushik,

Can you please guide me how you add parameter date in to tex field?