Timezone conversion offsets in an opposite way

I’m using QuickSight’s new timezone conversion feature in a analysis/dashboard. Unfortunately, it behaves oddly.

My database contains datetime in UTC, for example 14:00 (equivalent to 15:00 in Europe/Berlin time). With timezone conversion off, the analysis/dashboards shows 14:00, perfect. When I turn on timezone conversion and set it to “Europe/Berlin” time (UTC+1), the analysis/dashboard shows 13:00. Rather than calculating UTC+1, QuickSight calculates UTC-1. Summer/Winter time cannot be the issue imho as it would only offset by 1 hour, not 2.

Do I miss sth. obvious or is it a bug?

hi @frowin,

Welcome to QuickSight Community! thank you for posting the question and for letting us knoe.

I would recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case.
Hope this helps

kind regards,

Thanks for your reply! I’m not able to open a case and I’m not aware that we have a service plan. I’m facing a bug in a service we pay for. Is there another way to report it?

Hi frowin, this happened to me today and after few hours of struggling, I found that the dataset I am using was accidentally switched from ‘SPICE’ to ‘Direct Query’ mode. After switching back to ‘SPICE’ mode, the timezone calculation went back to normal. Hope it helps…