I have noticed pivot tables does not have tool tip, am I looking at wrong things or is it really not avaibale ?
Problem: I want to hovering description for customer to understand what does this paeticular column does when a user is just hovering above the columsn nmein pivot table, however I cannot find a way to do it.
Hi @karvsha,
While you are correct that pivot tables do not have a tool tip option, the scenario you’d like to create is not exactly possible through tool tips anyways. Tool tips are designed to highlight the information/fields that are creating the results being shown in the visual and can not be used as a text box.
As a work around for your instance, you’ll have to utilize the addition of text boxes and to make them interchangeable, you’ll have to incorporate a parameter that will show/hide each specific text box based on your parameter selection.
It would be nice to have a tool tip feature that allows you to incorporate free hand text, so I’ll mark this as a feature request to promote visibility to the support team.
Thank you Brett, yeah it would be very helpful for users to understant exactly what the columns is or even understand calculation behind a columns - they would save time by not have to navigating to the wiki everythime they want to understand a column.
Looking forward to that feature. would there be an estimate on for a feature request ?
Hi @karvsha,
While AWS does not share information on their current roadmap and timing, you can keep an eye out on the ‘What’s New’ section for all updates that get made!