Transfer of datasets, datasource, analsys from one quicksight account to another quicksight acount as well as from one region to another region in same account

Can we move datasource, datasets, analsys , dashboards from one region to another region in same aws account and also from one aws account to another aws account.
I have created lot of dashboards in lower environment and need to push them into dev environment to avoid creating them again.
Structure should be transfered not the data

I’ve followed this process for Moving Between Regions or different AWS Account

QuickSight assets are region-specific, which means that they do not automatically replicate across regions. To move these assets
You have to

  1. Export Analysis and Dashboard definitions using the quicksight API into a json or cloudformation_json format.
  2. Before importing your analysis and dashboards, you must first recreate your data sources and datasets in the new region or a new account.
  3. After you have the .json file, you can use the AWS CLI to create or update the analysis and dashboards in the new region using that file.
  4. once you exported the json you can do some replacement of values you can upload that in clf also.
    Please make sure the datasets schemas, names should be same.
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Thanks for the info @Yogini ,
Can you elaborate how to convert the analsys into json format
Can you share the CLI commands for this process.

It will be very helpful if there is a clear example on this process

You can refer to this article for this purpose it’s very detailed an clear on how to do the export and imports. Hope this will be helpful.

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Hi @manideep1,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you. Did you have any additional questions regarding your initial topic?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this case.

Thank you!

Hi @manideep1,
Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic in the community and link this discussion for any relevant information that may be needed.

Thank you!