Unable to create subscription

I am trying to subscribe to a QuickSight account and am unable to do so.

I have tried both the UI and the CLI.

In the UI I get a “null” error.

In the API, the subscription appears to be created, but it is not working, and when I try to delete it, it says that it does not actually exist.

I create a subscription:

aws quicksight create-account-subscription \
  --aws-account-id="12345678" \
  --region="eu-central-1" \
  --edition="ENTERPRISE" \
  --authentication-method="IAM_AND_QUICKSIGHT" \
  --account-name="example" \


    "Status": 200,
    "SignupResponse": {
        "IAMUser": true,
        "accountName": "example",
        "directoryType": "IDENTITY_POOL"
    "RequestId": "4a314f01-23d6-482a-9707-88ed715e2240"

Describe status:

aws quicksight describe-account-subscription \
    "Status": 200,
    "AccountInfo": {
        "AccountName": "example",
        "Edition": "ENTERPRISE",
        "NotificationEmail": "foo@example.com",
        "AuthenticationType": "IDENTITY_POOL",
        "AccountSubscriptionStatus": "SIGNUP_ATTEMPT_IN_PROGRESS"
    "RequestId": "831a8169-4fdf-4262-a80e-293223242638"

In a few seconds the status is “OK”:

    "Status": 200,
    "AccountInfo": {
        "AccountName": "example",
        "Edition": "ENTERPRISE",
        "NotificationEmail": "foo@example.com",
        "AuthenticationType": "IDENTITY_POOL",
        "AccountSubscriptionStatus": "OK"
    "RequestId": "282fe073-a12d-4d37-b705-e8dea7d37af0"

When I open QuickSight in the UI, I get the sign up screen.

When I try to delete it:

aws quicksight delete-account-subscription \

I get an error:

An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DeleteAccountSubscription operation: Failed to unsubscribe as the account is already unsubscribed or account creation was incomplete.

hi @m0ltar,

I just tried to create QuickSight account using the CLI command you described, just by replacing account name, account ID and notification email

and when I checked the status with describe-account-subscription, I got the below with status “ACCOUNT_CREATED”. when I accessed to QuickSight via GUI, I got straight to the console.

“Status”: 200,
“AccountInfo”: {
“AccountName”: “example”,
“Edition”: “ENTERPRISE”,
“NotificationEmail”: “foo@example.com”,
“AuthenticationType”: “IDENTITY_POOL”,
“AccountSubscriptionStatus”: “ACCOUNT_CREATED”
“RequestId”: “6d102182-e96c-44a0-bfea-1c35881ab33b”

I think the creation was failed. the account name has to be unique one. would you be able to try with different account name?

kind regards,

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Thanks for your reply!

Looks like it was a duplicate account name issue.

Would be helpful if QS API would provide this as the error. And also not set AccountSubscriptionStatus to OK. :grin:

I would have guessed that if our account name wasn’t so unique. Not sure who’d register the same name. We checked internally, and it was for sure not inside our org.

Really strange!