Unable to Download CSV/Excel in QuickSight Mobile Browser

When accessing a QuickSight dashboard on a mobile browser, the option to download data in CSV or Excel format is not available, whereas it functions correctly when using a desktop browser. I didn’t find any such case mentioned in the QS documentation. Exporting data from visuals - Amazon QuickSight

Is this the expected behavior or I am missing something?

Hi @Zerry00 - Thanks for highlighting this issue. I believe the download option is enable only in desktop version. However let’s hear from Experts on the same.

Tagging @Max @Karthik_Tharmarajan for their expert advise.

Regards - Sanjeeb

When the Desktop view option is enabled in mobile browser then the export options are visible.

@Max @Karthik_Tharmarajan can you please confirm?

Hi @Bhasi_Mehta - Can you please help on this?

Regards - Sanjeeb

Hello @Zerry00 and @Sanjeeb2022 !

To my knowledge, the mobile version does not support this. I will mark this as a feature request for the quicksight team.