I am trying to create highcharts to create a funnel chart with multiple metrics. I need guidance on how to update the word Slice with the column header of the metrics. Using the below mentioned code, I was able to create the funnel chart and was able to change the slice name as well.
"chart": {
"type": "funnel"
"title": {
"text": "Application funnel"
"plotOptions": {
"series": {
"dataLabels": {
"enabled": true,
"format": "<b>{series.name}</b> ({point.x:,.0f})",
"softConnector": true
"center": ["40%", "50%"],
"neckWidth": "30%",
"neckHeight": "25%",
"width": "80%"
"series":[{ "type": "funnel",
"name": "text1",
[ "getColumn", 1],
[ "getColumn", 2],
["getColumn", 3]
Can someone please confirm how each slice can be labeled with different words or table headers?