URL redirection is not happening on pivot table for Embeded Dashboard

We have pivot table and right click action to open a URL.
Project: Django, python 3.10

Embedded Dashboard

but it’s not opening the URL mentioned under the hood and hitting following exception.

Source JS code where opening the new window running into the issue

here const r = window.open("", t, n); r.opener = null, r is coming as null, resulting in r.opener exception.


platform-vendors.bun…32df996eb40.50.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'opener')
    at Object.openUri (3124.bundle.bfff1959…f355.50.js:2:908999)
    at AnalysisEditorCustomActionActions.exitToLocation (292.bundle.ff6ae8a91…68655.50.js:2:15679)
    at 292.bundle.ff6ae8a91…68655.50.js:2:21736
    at 292.bundle.ff6ae8a91…68655.50.js:2:21825
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at AnalysisEditorCustomActionActions.applyGroupedActionWithRecordDetails (292.bundle.ff6ae8a91…68655.50.js:2:17413)
    at AnalysisEditorCustomActionActions.applyGroupedAction (292.bundle.ff6ae8a91…68655.50.js:2:16932)
    at y (5.bundle.e8a8dbbddcfbb030.6.js:2:227550)
    at v (5.bundle.e8a8dbbddcfbb030.6.js:2:227161)
    at p (5.bundle.e8a8dbbddcfbb030.6.js:2:225090)

Hello @mukeshusc2018, I am curious, if you are viewing the dashboard from the QuickSight console directly, does the URL action work as expected? If not, the first 2 thoughts I have would be to make sure the url you are using is https and not http. Any http urls will be blocked by QuickSight. Another common issue is if the URL is linked to a parameter, the parameter value can’t contain the https:// portion of the url. You will want that directly in the text box for the url action followed by the parameter.

Now, if the URL action is working as anticipated in the QuickSight console and the issue is only occurring in the embedded view, let me know. Then we can try to test some other options. Thank you!