Use two datasets in quicksight

Hi, i have two datasources in athena. I want to use both the data sources to visualise, but dataset creation allows to have single datasource. How can i do so?

Hi @Harsxh

When you create the dataset initially you can select one table from a datasource. But once in the dataset editor you can add additional tables.

You need to join the two tables using the join operators. Is this what you wanted?


Hi @Giri, like in my athena i have two data sources which have different tables. When i am creating a dataset it is asking me to select a datsource. Doing this i am not able to select other one. I want to join table from both of the data sources

You would be able to do the join in the QuickSight dataset after adding both the tables into the dataset.

Both tables are in different data source, how can i do then. It i want to use both data source i would be needing to create two datasets. But then how would i join them

you can refer to the video demos to see how to join data cross data sources

you can also refer to this blog post Joining across data sources on Amazon QuickSight | AWS Big Data Blog

Hi, i tried this but for me data is coming from different account so can’t use spice , i have to use direct query. But while adding dataset i am getting only spice option

Hi @Harsxh

Please refer this article and see if this helps.


Both data will be uploaded into spice right? :thinking:
from referring to this below link