I want to embed various types of custom visual content in dashboards, specifically the caret symbol (^) and the vee symbol (v). In Tableau, the UX developer used to share images for these symbols that could be uploaded easily. However, in QuickSight, I don’t see a similar option.
I’ve tried using various images hosted on the web to test the functionality, but only images from picsum.photos have worked. For example:
The example that you provided from pexels returns an HTTP response status code 404. That’s why QuickSight shows you the error that you’ve shared. If you for example use a URL such as https://images.pexels.com/photos/590045/pexels-photo-590045.jpeg it should work as expected.
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Where can I get caret symbol (^) and vee symbol (v) images on the internet with https URL ? So that I can use the same in the visual content?
I have the images in the storybook.ethossystem.com(internal to organization where the UI/UX designs are maintained). How to use them in the custom content?
Unfortunately, I cannot provide guidance on where to find certain images that then also comply with the licensing requirements that you might have.
However, let me share a few remarks that might help.
Leveraging images that are hosted by a third party always comes with the risk that the loop-and-feel of your dashboard breaks if the third party takes the image down.
Within interactive dashboards, you can also use images that are hosted internally, as long as the end users have access to that image from within the client/browser from which they interact with the dashboard. In some cases this means to be on a certain network or to be authenticated via a particular identity provider (e.g. offering a single-sign-on experience).
Hi @ngpinsights,
Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.