Viz Challenge H2 2023 - Winner Dashboard (Wavicle)

1st Place Winner, Akhila Reddy Baddam : Wavicle (USA)

ReadySetJet Private Jet Dashboard (Wavicle)

First place was won by Alkhila Reddy from partner, Wavicle. Alkhila developed a suite of inforgraphic dashboards for ReadySetJet. ReadySetJet is a fictional private jet management company based out of Chicago that works with customers looking to fly private. The dashboard empowers customers/passengers with actionable insights to drive better travel decisions. This dashboard also analyzes the performance of all private jets and identifies key drivers, delays, and cancelations. Wavicle generated synthetic data with the use of artificial intelligence and built the dashboard using a wide variety of QuickSight features and functionality like filtering, parameterized filtering, navigation functions and visual cross-filtering. Well done Alkhila and the Wavicle team!