Want to calculate difference in percentage of pivot table based on same metric but 2 diffrent channels

as show in screenshot i want to calculate week on week chnage organic percent.
in first column there are various metrics.
in excel using =(C3-B3)/B3 this formula.
How to achieve it in quicksight.

Is your screen shot how your dataset looks like?

I’m assuming it’s not.

You might want to look at periodOverPeriodPercentDifference.

This my visual(pivot table in quicksight).

want to calculate WOW Change in % and before subtotal row,

and below is the dataset which i am using.

and required output like below image.

Or want to calculate WOW Change in %
excel formula is =(C3-B3)/B3

Hi @suraj.nimse

Because your daterange is a string you will need to use a lag function.

(sum({arrival_timestamp_int})-lag(sum({arrival_timestamp_int}),[{arrival_timestamp} DESC],1))/lag(sum({arrival_timestamp_int}),[{arrival_timestamp} DESC],1)

You would replace arrival_timestamp_int with total users and arrival_timestamp wit daterange

Getting output as in below screenshot.

But i was expecting like below screenshot

Hi @suraj.nimse

This is how quicksight displays pivot tables.

I can mark it as a feature request to have the option to display it differently.