Want to Create a Calculated field of an Aggregate Value

I have created an aggregate value like

Total -Sales: sum(max({Sales}, [{Region}, date])) . I want to create one more calculated field that uses the total of (Total-Sales) as a denominator for another KPI. Further this denominator should change dynamically , like if i select two countries the value should show total of (Total-Sales) for that two countries .

Issues goes similar to this question

Hi @ganeshng,

Do you mean that you have a Country field in addition to your Region field? Do you want both your numerator and denominator to change? How do you want your numerator to change when you select a country?

Sorry it should be region, to put it simple I have an already aggregated function and the values from it should be going into another sumover calculated field but I get an error stating cant do sumover of aggregated function

Can you share the sumOver that’s giving you an error?

Use case #4 in this article covers percentage of total calculations. Let me know if that helps.

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Sure thank you for the inputs, ill go through the article and check for the fix. Much appreciated.