Wed, Dec 18: Amazon Q in QuickSight Immersion Day -- Rotating Immersion Day - 3rd Wednesday of each Month -- online

Uplevel your Amazon QuickSight skills! Join us for an immersive deep dive each month on rotating topics!

2025 – 3rd Wednesday of each month, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM PT: Topics and registration links to come.

Interested in learning about our QuickSight Author Workshop Immersion Days?
We also have Author Immersion Days taking place on the 2rd Wednesday of every month. Learn about our Author Immersion Days.

Interested in online Immersion Days in Europe and IST-friendly time zones? Europe / IST Online Immersion Days are held the last Wednesday of each month, 9 AM BST / 10 AM CET / 1:30 PM IST. Learn more and sign up.