Week number starts on Monday instead of Sunday

Hello everyone,
reading around seems like weeks start on Sunday in QS.
According to that, October 8, 2023 (Sunday), should belong to week #41

On my analysis, I have a date field with daily values. I aggregated it by Week and set a custom format to MMM D, W. This is the result:

As you can see, October 8 is considered under week #40. Shouldn’t QS visualize 41 instead of 40? How can I make it visualize the actual value (41)?

Thank you

Hi @Ales,
i would say QS is doing the weeks by ISO 8601. ISO calender weeks starting on Monday.
Maybe you can calculate a new week field based on the weekday.

Thank you @ErikG ,
do you know if is possible to change it? Maybe from some settings? I prefer having the week starting from Sunday as I’m using the dateDiff function at week level

Hi @Ales ,
I dont know.
Would it be a workaround for you to use a field “date-1” to get the “right” week?

Changing the format from ‘MMM D, W’ to ‘MMM D, w’ fixed it.
Thank you anyway!


Thank you for answering so many questions in the Community, @ErikG from our AWS Partner, Woodmark! :slight_smile: :rocket:

@Ales look what i just found.



Thank you @ErikG . Is that a new functionality? That’s really helpful

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Hi all, yes we are currently support custom week start as an out-of-box feature. Please try and let us know if any feedback. Thanks!

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