I’m having weird problem with quicksight. I’m running Quicksight stuff on two AWS accounts.
On account A exists Analysis that I made template of, copied it to Account B and created Dashboard out of the template.
On account A, the analysis (or dashboard made from it) works as expected. On account B everything else seems to work fine, except that one Pie Chart widget says:
Your calculated field expression contains invalid syntax. Correct the syntax and try again. Show details
And in the details, it says:
Error details
region: eu-central-1
timestamp: 1652960165846
requestId: eb9f9f0d-99c2-4c8d-8f2f-11e2de174603
sourceType: SPICE
This is NOT really helpful error message. Unknown symbol where? and where did it came from? IS it unknown symbol in data or where? It says that calculated field expression has invalid syntax but related to that widget there is no calculated expression used.
I have checked data-sets, that they have same data types and name of the fields also match.
How can I debug such error further?