What is the format for a Quicksight Q Topic ARN?

In order to anonymously embed the Q-Topic bar I need to supply the allowed ARN in “authorizedResourceArns” but just using a dashboard ARN with the word “dashboard” changed to “topics” and the topic ID from the Topic Author screen gives me an InvalidParameterValueException stating that I am using an Invalid or unsupported arn.

I cannot find any documentation telling me where I can find the ARN for a topic or what a topic ARN would look like.

Hello! You can use an API call to retrieve all the topics in your account with its respective ARN.

example in CLI:
aws quicksight list-topics --aws-account-id (your_account_id)

sample ourtput:

“Status”: 200,
“TopicsSummaries”: [
“Arn”: “arn:aws:quicksight:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxx:topic/6iwDIoTMC0uKgc6CpZflT0jqtOmeSHJL”,
“TopicId”: “6iwDIoTMC0uKgc6CpZflT0jqtOmeSHJL”,
“Name”: “Business Review”
“Arn”: “arn:aws:quicksight:eu-central-1:xxxxxxx:topic/Migration Test”,
“TopicId”: “Migration Test”,
“Name”: “Campaign Ads and Spends”

Hope this helps!

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I installed a new CLI yesterday, when I try your command list-topics is not on the list of recognized commands, why would this be?

Can you please provide the CLI output of this command?

aws --version

In the meantime you can also use CloudShell from your AWS Console to execute the commands.

Or build the arn “manually” as follows:

arn:aws:quicksight:(your region):(your aws account):topic/TopicId*

The topic id can be seen in your browser URL when you open the topic in the QuickSight console:

The string between the “**” is the topicId

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