What's the expected JSON format as data source?

Usual JSON formatting gives me a ‘failure’ error. So far, I had to remove comma between items.
{ “A”:“11”,“B”:“22” } { “A1”:“11”,“B1”:“22” } { “A2”:“11”,“B2”:“22” } works
{ “A”:“11”,“B”:“22” } ,{ “A1”:“11”,“B1”:“22” } ,{ “A2”:“11”,“B2”:“22” } doesn’t work

then having key labels like xxx with for the items also fails.
{“xxx”:[ { “A”:“11”,“B”:“22” } { “A1”:“11”,“B1”:“22” } { “A2”:“11”,“B2”:“22” } ]}

When ETL drops data into JSON format, it displays data like

{“xxx”:[ { “A”:“11”,“B”:“22” } { “A1”:“11”,“B1”:“22” } { “A2”:“11”,“B2”:“22” } ]}
That’s common json format , right ?

Is there an easy way to import data to QuickSight without applying manual cleanup?

My current manifest.json is something like this

“fileLocations”: [{
“URIs”: [
“globalUploadSettings”: {
“format”: “JSON”,
“delimiter”: “,”,
“textqualifier”: “"”,
“containsHeader”: “true”

I would suggest using Athena. QuickSight does not parse JSON in the best format and is pretty limited. Athena will allow you to create easy datasets with CSVs & JSON.

In regards to your manifest file it seems as though the format should be a CSV because that’s what the file format is.