Where is SPICE data stored?

Hello @djsaundse , welcome to the Quicksight community!

“SPICE is compressed columnar data store” Has information about SPICE It is provisioned based on your AWS Account Region.
"SPICE (Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine) is the robust in-memory engine that QuickSight uses. It’s engineered to rapidly perform advanced calculations and serve data. In Enterprise edition, data stored in SPICE is encrypted at rest. For more information, see Data encryption in Amazon QuickSight.
SPICE capacity is allocated separately per AWS Region. For each AWS account, SPICE capacity is shared by all the people using QuickSight in a single AWS Region. The other AWS Regions have no SPICE capacity unless you choose to purchase some."I cannot seem to find information about if it is an EC2 instance or not, but it is encrypted if that helps.

Let me know if this helps!