While Exporting the table visual Conditional formatted column showing real value instead of formatted value

Hi Quicksight team thanks in advance for any help.
I have created a visual as shown in example where last column is conditional formatted.

when i export this visual whether as CSV Or excel.
The conditional formatted table shows its real value instead of formatted value.

is there a way that after exporting the table ,we still get the formatted value for the customised column not the original value.

Hello @Arpit6075 !

To my knowledge, when you export a csv from a QuickSight visual it pulls the raw data from the fields and does not include conditional formatting.

If you have a pivot table that you want to export with the conditional formatting specifically, you could try adding it to a new sheet by itself, and then export that whole sheet as a pdf and you will see the conditional formatting.

I will mark this as a feature request for the Quicksight team!