Yoy & PeriodOverPeriod Function in one Graph (not distinct)

We have product data available at the ASIN level with the following filters:

(Note: A single ASIN can belong to multiple product groups, meaning the assignment is not distinct.)

  • Customer
  • Brand
  • ASIN

Question 1: YoY-comparison on daily base
We would like to display values for a selected Start Date – End Date range in a graph while simultaneously showing Year-over-Year (YoY) values for the corresponding start and end dates.

Question 2: Period Over Period - comparison on daily base
We would like to visualize data for a selected Start Date – End Date range in a graph while also displaying values for a custom comparison period (freely selectable).

Already tried this: Get last year value (periodOverPeriodLastValue) in a PRE_AGG scope
But the date filters will remove the comparison values in the graph

Hi @Annika

  1. Since you want to show the value in a graph with both current and YoY values the Time Period may have to be generalized (Jan instead of Jan 2025) etc.
  2. You need to compute your current Period and YoY values with date filtering within the calculated field
  3. In the visual no filtering as the filtering is already done in the calculated field

The following article gives you idea for period based computations in calculated field.


Thank you, but I can’t find the answer to my second question.
Is this even possible?

Hi @Annika

If you generalize the months as Jan, Feb etc you can have graph for the period selected and the comparison period, for example as two line graphs.
