Zeros are not getting reflected in the Pivot Tables and affects other calculations too

Hi all, I’m unable to show Zeros in the pivot tables. This affects my other calculations (Difference, % of total, %Difference, etc.,) too in the pivot. For example: In the below image, I have added one column and two values in the field wells.

Let’s take Last row:

  1. B1 is the difference of ({A1-A2} *10000). As we don’t see Zero % in A2, instead of {A1-A2} *10000), it works as ({A1-A3} *10000), Which is not correct.
  2. The output should be -8740, but as we don’t see zero% (just a blank) in the A2, the calculations are not performed, and no output is shown.

I have done some workarounds such as using 1.Coalesce and 2.Ifelse function both at the dataset and analysis Level to make the null as “0”. 3. Also tried “More formatting options” -->Null values -->Show custom as “0”. But still, it is not working.

If A2 is a calculated field then you need to check that calculation and try to add that ifelse logic there.

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