2023 H2 - Amazon QuickSight Partners Viz Challenge Winners!

The Amazon QuickSight partner team recently hosted the 2nd external data visualization design competition of 2023. Once again, partners took this opportunity to show off their visual analytics and storytelling skills! We invited more than 95 QuickSight SDP global partners to participate. If you would like to learn more about how to become a QuickSight Partner, visit the Amazon QuickSight Service Delivery Program. On this occasion, we asked our partners to publish their dashboards to the gallery in the recently launched QuickSight Arena.

1st Place Winner, Akhila Reddy Baddam: Wavicle (USA)

Wavicle 1st Place (2)

First place was won by Alkhila Reddy from partner, Wavicle. Alkhila developed a suite of inforgraphic dashboards for ReadySetJet ReadySetJet is a fictional private jet management company based out of Chicago that works with customers looking to fly private. The dashboard empowers customers/passengers with actionable insights to drive better travel decisions. This dashboard also analyzes the performance of all private jets and identifies key drivers, delays, and cancelations. Wavicle generated synthetic data with the use of artificial intelligence and built the dashboard using a wide variety of QuickSight features and functionality like filtering, parameterized filtering, navigation functions and visual cross-filtering. Well done Alkhila and the Wavicle team!

2nd Place Winner, Adelina Sarmiento, Kat Friedrich, Diego Duque, Juan Carlos Mingo, Roberto Marcos: Keepler (Spain)

Keepler 2nd Place (1)

Second place was won by the Keepler team. The team built an electricity consumption dashboard in the style of infographic, The Future is in Renewables This dashboard analyses electricity consumption over time and the role that renewable energy sources play to meet the increasing demand. The objective of this dashboard is to help the audience answer the questions, “Which countries are more demanding of energy?”, “What factors influence in energy consumption?”, “Can renewables replace the energy production?”, and, “How much is the growth renewable energy to surge to cover for demand?” The Keepler team made use of QuickSight features and well-organized visuals to and answer these questions. Well done Adelina and the Keepler team!

3rd Place Winner, Sumitha M, Prachi Apale, Ruqaya Fathma, Ratnottama Dasgupta: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS India)

TCS 3rd Place (1)

For the 3rd place, our partner, TCS, and a team, lead by Sumitha, created a dashboard for Databricks Observability The dashboard provides visibility across billing, usage, job performance, and user access level information for Data Observability using Databricks System Tables. The Visualization implementation using AWS QuickSight contains three main dashboards: Billing Summary, Job Run Analysis and Audit Log Analysis by Catalog. Various advanced features of QuickSight, such as KPIs, insights, drilldown, drill through, tree map, Sankey diagram, etc,. have been implemented in these dashboards. Well done Sumitha, Prachi, Rugaya, Ratnottama, and the TCS team!

Other Participants Worthy of Mentioning!

We had many other amazing dashboards submitted to the contest, and we want to share with you some of these submissions.

NI Medical Analysis – Baker Tilly
Cricket ODI Analytics – ITT Star
ICC Cricket World Cup Dashboard - Quantiphi
Formula 1 Dashboard – Rapyder Cloud Solutions
Marvel Studios Dashboard - Rapyder Cloud Solutions

How was the 2nd Amazon QuickSight Viz Challenge of 2023 Organized?

The Amazon QuickSight Viz Challenge H2-2023 was organized from November 22 to December 20. This Viz Challenge was a data visualization design competition that lets Amazon QuickSight partners show off their visual analytics and storytelling skills using Amazon QuickSight. The storytelling was based on a business problem that partners are given the opportunity to identify and be solved by building an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.

The steps to join the challenge were:

  1. Identify a dataset of your interest from the AWS Marketplace > Delivery Method > AWS Data Exchange. Recommended: Search for synthetic data by typing “Synthetic data” in the search box.
  2. Download one of the readily available data or build synthetic data using one of the synthetic data generators and download the file in your local machine.
  3. Create Amazon QuickSight dataset using this local downloaded file and build a dashboard that tells a compelling story visually.

The submissions are evaluated on below criteria by evaluated 4 QuickSight experts-

  1. Applicability/ importance - The business case is well thought out to address a specific business problem. The dashboard can be reused.
  2. Storytelling - The visuals are telling a single coherent story that accurately represents the data.
  3. Creativity - The visuals are built with advanced visual types, embedded images with easy-to-use interactivity and insights.
  4. Design - The visuals are appealing. Presence of a consistent color scheme, navigations, highlights etc. are considered to be good design.